Based on the Mid Wife Crisis blog and paying homage to the Bridget Jones concept of the smug married, the book might prove a bit too political for some (there’s lots of explanatory footnotes for those not au fait with the British party system). For me, the crazy constituents and the blundering MP were the highlights. Nevertheless, there’s plenty of humour and marital misunderstandings to keep the general reader happy too. [Read more…]
“Diary of an Unsmug Married” on Love Reading.
A diary novel of midlife ‘affairs’, growing teenagers and juggling full time work with home. It is full of insecurities, doubts and misunderstandings as well as the small and seemingly trivial matters of a working mother. Written with a light touch and a great deal of humour, it has obvious comparisons to Bridget Jones (not least the title) but there is nothing wrong with that. There is an element of “will they, won’t they” to it which does keep you guessing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. [Read more…]